Subgroups of the SMC Alliance

Monitoring and Evaluation Subgroup
The M&E subgroup met for the first on 6 November 2020. The group provides a platform where members of the SMC community can share challenges and best practices in M&E and discuss, collectively develop and harmonize tools.
The main goal of the group is to discuss and agree on a minimum set of core standardized metrics for reporting coverage and adherence.
Members include those with scientific and programmatic knowledge on the monitoring and evaluation of SMC. The groups focus areas include supporting national malaria programmes and WHO efforts on the annual World Malaria Report chapter on SMC. The group has also developed a monitoring and evaluation performance framework which will support with field monitoring and evaluation activities for SMC.
Everyone who is interested in monitoring and evaluation is invited to join the sub-group. Please email Monica Anna de Cola at m [dot] decola [at] malariaconsortium [dot] org
Research subgroup
The Research subgroup first met in April 2020. The group was formed as a dedicated group to research to strengthen information sharing and coordination between organizations and individuals involved in SMC research. The group meets monthly.
Membership is open to everyone interested in SMC research. The co-chairs of the group are Prof Jean Louis Ndiaye from the Université de Thiès, Senegal, and Dr Susana Scott from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK.
Kevin Baker and Erica Viganó of Malaria Consortium serve as the secretariat of the group. The aim of the group include presenting study protocols and research findings; gathering feedback and advice from peers on study design and interpretation of results; and mapping evidence gaps and research priorities; identifying opportunities for research funding; and mapping out existing SMC research projects as well as planned studies.
To join the group please Kevin Baker at k [dot] baker [at] malariaconsortium [dot] org
Communications and advocacy subgroup
The SMC Alliance sub-group on communications and advocacy was set up in April 2022 to serve as a platform for the SMC community to share best practices, lessons learnt, and challenges in communicating about and advocating for SMC.
The group mainly works on advocacy and communications rather than social and behavioural change.
Tasks the group is involved in include maintaining the SMC Alliance website, support communications around the M&E toolkit, and coordinate a joint publication to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the WHO policy recommendation for the scale-up of SMC.
Everyone who is interested in communications and advocacy is invited to join the sub-group. Please email Abena Poku-Awuku at poku-awukua [at] mmv [dot] org.