30 Oct to 03 Nov 2022, 09:15-09:15 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) annual meeting https://2022annual.com/astmh/contactus.php
April 27 & 28 from 13.30-18.00 GMT ICT4D Malaria Elimination Conference https://www.ict4dconference.org/ict4d-malaria/registration/
1st - 3rd March, 2022 from 14:00 - 17:00 each day SMC Alliance annual review and planning meeting Online
3-4:15 pm CEST (Geneva Time) / 9-10:15am EST / 1-2:15pm GMT / 2-3:15pm WAT / 3-4:15pm CAT Event: Promoting Sustainability for SMC https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkfuygpjMpG9XldbqKllrzawjhd1XgxakO