Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention drug research

Despite the effectiveness of SMC, there are barriers that limit its use in all areas with highly seasonal malaria transmission across sub-Saharan Africa.
There are regions in the seasonal malaria zone, south of the equator (a band from Angola to Mozambique), that have seasonal transmission of malaria comparable to that of the Sahel. However, sulfadoxine pyrimethamine (SP) resistance markers in these areas are amongst the worst in Africa. The current drug option for SMC - sulfadoxine pyrimethamine together with amodiaquine (SPAQ)) - could therefore become rapidly ineffective in these areas in the near future.
The development of an effective combination of medicines for SMC in southern and eastern Africa would, in this situation, be beneficial as it will protect the lives of millions of children and prevent the death of tens of thousands in the region, each year. Thus, new products are critically needed to allow for the geographical expansion of SMC.
Over the last few years, Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) has spearheaded scientific and stakeholder input regarding the desired attributes of the next-generation of SMC drugs, which will serve as alternatives to SPAQ.