SMC Impact project in Mali

The project

Photo: Mother administering SMC to child

The SMC Impact project in Mali aims to expand the use of SMC in children aged 3-59 months up to 5 cycles and to demonstrate the added value of this expansion by comparing two different SMC frequencies in this age group. 
During the first six months of the SMC Impact project in Mali, the two pilot Health Districts (Niena and Yanfolila) were identified in collaboration with the NMCP. Building on an existing strong partnership, the NMCP and CRS worked closely together to plan the 5th cycle of SMC, which included activities such as community advocacy for uptake of the 5th SMC cycle and microplanning. 
The training of community-based distributors and proxi-supervisors, health centre staff and mobilizers on this initiative will be carried out in the second semester of the project before the start of the 5th round of distribution planned for December, 2021.

Learn more about the SMC Impact project