World Malaria Day 2024: SMC Success with Ismaël’s story, a 4-year-old boy from Togo

25 Apr 2024

Ismaël, a 4-year-old boy from Tchaloudè, Togo, has fallen ill with #malaria several times. According to his mother, Foussena, when he’s ill, he is unable to do anything, suffering from fever and headaches.

Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) protects children like Ismaël and his baby sister in endemic settings during the rainy season when malaria transmission rates are at their highest.

MMV and partners, including Catholic Relief Services and Malaria Consortium, have been supporting national malaria control programmes in rolling out SMC campaigns with great success. Some 200,000 African children were treated with at least one dose of SMC in 2012, whereas SMC reached over 53 million children in 2023.

Expanding access to this preventive medicine will save more lives and allow communities like Tchaloudè to dream of a malaria-free future.

Watch Medicines for Malaria’s latest film to see how collaborative efforts and medical advancements around SMC are impacting the lives of children in malaria-endemic settings:

#WorldMalariaDay #EndMalaria #AccelerateTheFight